Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Have some more

Oh and I guess also here's 12 more pages of faces and heads: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lbassettart/ I do about four or five of these pages a day now.

Maybe one out of every five of ten on average is any good, which is pretty good odds of success to me.

More Faces and Heads!

More cartoon/comic faces and heads!

Got any favorites?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Faces and Heads! Faces and Heads!

Doing so much life-drawing, figured I'd balance that out by going for some more comic style, cartoon head-face stuff. Well, origionally I was going to just draw hats, as you can see in the top-left here, but I decided that'd be too easy, and therefor boring, so changed that to faces and heads instead. For four pages.

Anyone else want to count them and see how many I did?

Well, I was having so much fun drawing comic style cartoon faces, it turns out I just turned the page and kept on going. Hit a sort of peak there where there were all these faces just dropping out of my pencil when I wasn't looking, plopping right down there on the page, I hardly even had to pay attention to it, faces just spewing out everywhere.

And the second page of faces fell out of the pencil so well, I kept right on going. Alternated between a soft 4b, and a 0.5mm mechanical pencil, for no particular reason, though the 4b was less finicky. I've always found mechanical pencils too sharp and narrow, though they can be convenient. I gotta do more faces in the future.

Turns out, first time doing concentrated face-drawing like this, it takes about four pages before I start to fade. They were still falling out of the pencil easily, but the 'holy crap, faces are coming outta my pencil' was starting to distract me. Decided to end it here rather than go on, at this point; the four pages in all took maybe an hour to get through.

Definately going to do this again.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Started drawing bagels, or doughnuts, or donuts, you really can't tell from the pic, but was getting bored with them. Realized that the basic shape of a bagel is basically a loop, or torus - and got fancy with it. :)

Knots are hell of interesting to invent and draw.

This one was interesting. Was sitting outside, and a seagull landed on a post about ten feet away from me - luckily I was drawing leaves at the time, and I had about ten seconds to capture this before he figured out what I was and flew off - I'd have liked to get a full-body portrait, but seagulls aren't known for sitting still very often.

Not bad for a ten second sketch - I'd loved to have had ten minutes.

Another quick sketch while I was outside, this with one of those big 1" thich chunks of charcoal, which is rapidly becoming my favorite drawing tool. Wanted to capture the strong light on her face - she had an interesting expression, sort of staring off into the distance - not pensive, but not calm. Maybe just... taking it all in. Whatever it was, I hope I captured it here.

Life drawing! Two and a half hours every Thursday, it's the most fun I have every week. I've got tons of these, but the charcoal dust tends to stick to the scanner, so I don't often scan them - and they're usually drawn on 18" x 24" paper. Except for this Thursday - it was raining, and carrying newsprint outside in the rain is usually a bad idea, so I used regular three-hole punched printer paper instead. Which I gotta say, I actually enjoyed - not drawing as large as I'm used to really helped me to focus on the bigger picture, ironically enough - less room for small details means I'm less likely to get hung up on them.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Boots Chairs Faces Mugs

Yup, 10 minutes of drawing boots. This was a fun one, I'll probably do another thing like this soon. Shoes, maybe.

And this is how I learned to draw chairs. Started off with a boxy box chair box thing, ended up with a computer chair.

Another in my series of giving myself 10-minute 'draw anything' challenges.

10 minutes of drawing faces!

This is the sort of challenge suggestion I love. Drawn with a 5/8" thick solid chunck of graphite, my new favorite drawing tool.

Ceramic mugs! And a broken sphere thing at the top left.

These were fun to draw - got any mug or cup or thing you've got a pic of that you'd like me to draw? I'll do so and post it here!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Challenge me!

Challenge me to draw anything, and I will, for at least 10 mintues, more if I get into it, and I'll post it here. Heck, give me a list of stuff, I'll draw all of them eventually.

Two rabbits. Part of my "Ten Minute Random Drawing" thing.

First thing that popped into my head - rabbits. So here's two.

If you're going to do a 10-minute drawing challenge, who better to draw than Henry Kissinger? Hugh Laurie, that's who. But I haven't drawn Hugh Laurie yet, so you're getting Kissinger.

Mst3k robots.

Yup, another 10-minute challenge. These guys were fun to draw, except for the part about fatigure, wobbly surface, and drawing with a 0.5mm mechanical pencil. I'm much more comfortable drawing with 5/8" thick solid graphite sticks.


My first 10-minute drawing challenge. I love these challenge things.

Challenge me!


Yup, again, starting tommorrow.

In order to get myself moving on this, I figured out the best way to get over 'argh blank page' is to give myself a series of 10-minute 'draw the first thing that comes to mind' challenges, anything from chairs, to clay mugs, leaves, shirts, bees, whatever.

Even better - give me an idea, anything, fish, robots, alien geometry, and I'll draw it, whatever it is, for at least 10 minutes. More, if I get into it.

Hell, give me a list, I'll draw everything on it, eventually.

*cracks knuckles*

Alright, go time.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back, again.

Some kid's face.

More 3d things. I may have a webcomic idea in my brain at the moment, this 3d stuff may or may not be related. >.>

Juste ye olde burninge bushe.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 5: Birds!

17b) Bird 1

A bird! This one drawn without any reference of any kind, just made up out of my own head, without the distraction of any background. Anyone recognice anything it could be? I'm starting to have fun just shading things.

18b) Coffee Guy

Mexican Coffee Guy. Or just some guy - really quick sketch this time, I was out of the house and didn't have very long to get the likeness down.

19b) Bird 2

Bird on a stick. Had fun with the feathers on this one, aroudn the eyes and head - I think this is the first bird I've ever drawn, which is why the body is lumpier than it should be.

20b) Bird 3

Ah, and *here* is where I started to really *get* how to draw birds, today. Even shaded in a sky for this guy here, wings poised to spring into the air.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 4 of Four New Pics a Day!

Hmm, a lot of animals recently, isn't there? Much as I enjoy drawing humans, there's more freedom in drawing an animal, in that there's less pressure to make it look 'right', whatever that means in the human context. More room to play with things like foreshortening, strange poses and textures not found with most human forms.


13b) Flower Circle

Continuing to explore the idea of using a darker background to enhance the lighter shapes and shades. Trying to make this pop off the page a bit, glow - it'll be interesting to see if I can get the same effect with color, rather than graphite.

14b) Another Hand

It's been awhile since I've drawn my left hand, I've forgotten how fun it is - expect to see more of them.

15b) Leaping Deer


Heh, this was fun to draw, really exagerating the foreshortening. I thought about blurring/rubbing out the latter 1/3 or 1/4 to give a greater sense of depth and movement, but decided against doing so, for this.

Do you think it worked, or did I just end up drawing a horribly mutilated deer?

16b) Stalking Bear

A bear. Worked on emphasizing his bulk, roundness, strength - still working on getting a handle on non-human anatomy. Frustrating, sometimes, but in strange ways that just make me happily stubborn to do more of them. It really does work to mentally split 4-legged animals into three 'pieces' - hindquarders, middle, and front. Once thoes relationships are laid out accuratly, the details can be put in, following those thirds.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Day 3 (again) of my 4 New Arts a Day

Ahhh, I missed this. Hope you guys missed it too! There's a lot more in store - not only am I getting tons of ideas for stuff, but I'm really gaining confidence in my drawing and painting ability, and that's going to be reflected here more and more in the coming weeks and months.

9b) Dandylions

One of my favorite flowers!

Pen and a bottle of ink, getting used to the needle-point nib, and controlling more complicated forms. I think this is one of the best things I've drawn recently, too bad dandylion season is mostly finished over here.

10b) Toon Skunk

Playing around with cartoony style things. Animal proportions are a bit different from human proportions, which makes things easier and harder in different ways than drawing people. Main reason for doing this was to see if I could, and I really enjoyed the curvy lines this pose allowed me to play with. Much easier than I expected too, I'll probably do more like this - I'm not usually one for cute, and I'm not a fan of the typical "100% human body with animal head and tail" that most anthropomorphic furry art ends up being - but stylized animals are just fun to draw.

11b) Horse Profile

A horse! I have the strange feelings that the legs are too short and skinny, but I'm not sure if that's actually true... It might just be something to do with my posing and very basic shading... definatly have to work on improving my horse-sense.

12) Fishing

Guy in a fishing boat on a lake. Experiment in silhouette, again used the fat permanant marker to lay down the inital sketch... I was going to go back and lay down some better reflections, but I seem to have lost the original paper somewhere.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Day 2 of my Restarted 4 New Arts a Day!

And Day 2! It's good to be back. Much better idea for me to update these in the morning, instead of waiting until evening, even if it does mean getting up an hour earlier. My mind is alive with things I want to paint for you guys! And draw, pen, and illustrate - good thing this is a Sunday, because I'm going to be busy.

Any requests?

5b) Falling Drowning

This is going to be a painting - what's the feeling you get when you look at this? Really look at it - gives me a feeling of vertigo, and I'm the one who drew it. Great exercise for improving your straight-line and square/rectangle drawing. Make sure to plan it out ahead of time though, or you might find yourself falling off the page.


This was fun. Started when I glanced at a photo I had of myself and whipped a permanant marker across the page - that gave me the hairline and neck, so I just tossed in the ears, nose, eyes, and chin, there I had... well, mostly me. Not quite though, since I just outlined that in about twenty seconds, so I spent a bit of time 'masaging' the rest of it with the pen I had on hand, give it some depth and roundness, shading; in retrospect I should have left off the shoulders and chest, but I think the face turned out well enough for a quick thing for me to post up here.

Definatly going to do more like this, but with more forethought and planning to achieve a more realistic presentation.

7b) Unknown Leaf

Not sure exactly what kind of leaf this is, but I love the depth, shading and tone, roundness I managed to give to it. Started off with calligraphy pen and a bottle of ink, about a 1.2 millimeter nib to get the bones of it, the darks, then a regular HB pencil to seperate the leaf from the whitespace surrounding it, and a heave plack conte crayon for those darks along the edges, and the modelling in the center mass of the leaf.

Anyone recognice the species of plant this leaf comes from?

8b) Unknown Flower

A flower this time, again I'm not certain of the species, though it's vaguely familiar. Nothing too fancy with this, just regular old pencil, though I was surprised how much that rough toned background made the lightness of the flower stand out.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


...and I'm back.

Thought about continuing the old numbering scheme, which would have meant that what here is '1b' would be '65', but I decided that'd be dishonest. This is all about seeing how many consecutive days I can upload four new art pieces each day; continuing the numbering from my last point of failure would be dishonest.

So! Now that I've gained confidence in pencil and graphite, I've moved over to pen and ink, markers, calligraphy pen and bottle of ink, and it really is a lot of fun. The tactile feedback of a knife-edge calligraphy nib vibrating against the surface of the paper as it bleeds black ink behind its path is something just not found in the smooth silken slide of soft graphite or charcoal.

1b) Crest

Small thing here, getting used to drawing with a calligraphy pen and bottle of ink, along with a few permanant black in markers of various sizes and a regular ball point pen.

2b) Thing in a Box

Thing in a box. Practicing angles, construction, lighting - my angles are off a bit, but I've sinced learned how to correct that, I've got a painting of something like this somewhere around here I'll upload later on, angles corrected.

3b) Mountain Meadow

This was fun, all of this was done with calligraphy pen, various nibs, and a bottle of ink - I smudged it in the bottom right there, the ink isn't as black as I'd like, but it flows well, and it's convenient for on-site sketching like this.

4b) Dead Tree

Big old rotten dead tree. Background was added artificially to give it a sense of scale, if I remember correctly this was in the corner of an old gravel yard. Was fun messing with the angles and perspective here, and I'm glad the flowers worked as well as they did. Drawing with various pens, markers, and ink doesn't exactly leave any room at all for erasing.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hey Guess What

I'm back!

So much for that old grand plan - every great success needs it's initial failure, and I think that's enough of that for now.

Also I'm pretty sure I'm getting the hang of this art thing now, because dang, I've got some great stuff in store for you guys.

New grand plan (which is the same as the old grand plan, just not broken anymore) begin!

(secret thing) Psst: If you send me an image of your face I might draw it with pen and ink. (end secret thing)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

To clarify -

To clarify, since there's been a couple question - I really am making four brand new pieces each and every single day.

I started off with a collection of about 10 drawings, using two or three of those a day until I got into the pace - but I used that up awhile ago. Everything after about day four or five is totally brand new each day.

What's even crazier, once I got into the pace of making and uploading four new drawings each day, I started painting, and so now my goal is to create and upload four new *paintings* each day.

I'm still drawing massive amounts of drawings though, so... I think a good idea would be if I just painted four new paintings a day for six days in a row, and then for Sunday I'll post four drawings. That's only 24 new paintings a week, but I've got some fun drawings I've got to upload too, especially since I'm starting to get into all kinds of fun with ink and oil pastel. Right now painting is still more fun, and I'm comfortable with the effort required to create three new ones each day - the fourth painting takes more effort, but it's the sort of effort that tells me I haven't peaked yet, because I can still push myself further, so... it's an enjoyable effort.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 17 of 4 New Pics a Day!

Three paintings and a drawing of an old beer mug! I'm really getting into painting now, there's a ton of stuff to explore here. Have to severly tone down my chroma though, the dominances in these are all far too towards favoring the high-'brightness' (as opposed to dullness) end of things.

More neutrals would serve to balance out my compositions... I'll explore that next.

61) Path

Started off with using up some very dilute dairylide yellow paint I had leftover for the background. Started using up some other leftover paint, got a fairly uniform vertical background, so I started added some spider branch effects with some other colors, keeping in mind the tones for depth.

A new thing in this one is the ground pumice stone I used on the path. I couldn't find a way to get a photo of this picture without glare from the surrounding ambient light, so the colors are off just slightly - the shadow part of that path there doesn't glow quite so much in reality. And the texture really is noticible, even from a distance. Great for the sort of drybrush effects I have on there.


Used paint from the next painting I'm uploading here, I'm sure you'll recognize some of the colors. Also included here, some of those greys and greens, are remnants of the ground pumice stone I used for texture on the path to the other painting I'm uploading in this set, "Path", found here: http://lbassett.deviantart.com/art/Path-83742184

Not sure what I'll do with it, but it's an interesting effect. Maybe a waterfall... Any suggestions?

63) LostGhost

Another experiment with using up leftover paint here.

Myself, I see an alien sort of figure there, that top right circle the head, leaning, perhaps crawling... what do you see?

64) BeerMug

Quick sketch of a beer mug - I'm getting into figuring out reflections, and how light is seen and distorted through glass.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 16 of Four Updates a Day

To randomly celebrate the 16th day of this project, and to make up for da's rando maintaniance denying me my 14th, have four paintings!

There's fun in line, shape, mass, and texture, certainly, especially with variances in tone, but to add hue and chroma to the mix adds two entirely new dimensions to the play. What is that, seven dimensions now?

57) Background

Decided that using up the leftover paint I had on my palette was better than throwing it out - this stuff isn't cheap. This is the result - an interesting background, or a finished piece? Haven't decided yet, though I'll likely add to it later.

58) Face

Mostly playing with creating backgrounds from layered acrylic here - got the impression of a face, so I played with that for awhile.

59) Ocean

Another ocean piece. I'm having a lot of fun with a severely reduced and limited pallete - this here is simply burnt umber, paynes grey, and titanium white. Might add tree silhouette's to this later.

60) RedTrees

Experiment in using a severly limited colour palette in a limited area in an abstract fashion, then building a scene out of it. The red here was deliberatly intended to look almost alien, out of place - that centre of the sun tying in only to the red trees, the yellow of the sun matched in the tree's highlights. Experimenting with strong colours on a fairly netrual background.

Those bits underneath are playing around with color mixing and comparing how colors laid adjacent on the canvas play off each other.