Friday, October 3, 2008


Started drawing bagels, or doughnuts, or donuts, you really can't tell from the pic, but was getting bored with them. Realized that the basic shape of a bagel is basically a loop, or torus - and got fancy with it. :)

Knots are hell of interesting to invent and draw.

This one was interesting. Was sitting outside, and a seagull landed on a post about ten feet away from me - luckily I was drawing leaves at the time, and I had about ten seconds to capture this before he figured out what I was and flew off - I'd have liked to get a full-body portrait, but seagulls aren't known for sitting still very often.

Not bad for a ten second sketch - I'd loved to have had ten minutes.

Another quick sketch while I was outside, this with one of those big 1" thich chunks of charcoal, which is rapidly becoming my favorite drawing tool. Wanted to capture the strong light on her face - she had an interesting expression, sort of staring off into the distance - not pensive, but not calm. Maybe just... taking it all in. Whatever it was, I hope I captured it here.

Life drawing! Two and a half hours every Thursday, it's the most fun I have every week. I've got tons of these, but the charcoal dust tends to stick to the scanner, so I don't often scan them - and they're usually drawn on 18" x 24" paper. Except for this Thursday - it was raining, and carrying newsprint outside in the rain is usually a bad idea, so I used regular three-hole punched printer paper instead. Which I gotta say, I actually enjoyed - not drawing as large as I'm used to really helped me to focus on the bigger picture, ironically enough - less room for small details means I'm less likely to get hung up on them.

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