Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 13 of 4 New Pics a Day

More experiments with abstraction - it's interesting, but I'm going to pull back from it. It's interesting like candy, and a diet of candy is neither healthy nor satisfying. Delicious in moderation, but I'm going to balance it out with some more serious explorations.

49) AnimalLines

Random page out of the sketchbook. I thought the effect of the equalization on this image was interesting, so I kept it as it is. The sketch themselves are attempts to begin to simplify a random assortment of animal shapes, inching towards a more foundational set of fewest possible yet still recognizable lines.

50) Faceoff

More abstract rarndomness, two of faces here, experiments with different lines, shapes, masses and textures than the ordinary.

51) HandSketch

Equilaziation kept because of the interesting effect. It's been awhile since I've drawn my own hand. The practice is a valuable one. Barring extrordianry circumstances, you should always have two hands with you - one to draw, the other to hold the mark making tool. Hands are endlessly poseable, and able to hold their own prop. Handy thing, that.

52) Spheres

Similar to Cylinders: I've been playing around with the concept of a lit sphere on a square stand, and some different ways that such a simple object can be newly interpreted.

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