Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day Four

Day four comes and goes, and I'm really starting to enjoy the fun pressure of having to create this stuff, and the sense of pride and satisfaction that keeping the momentup up is bringing me.

13) ForestNatureScene

How about some color to start off day four? Forest scene, more abstract than representitive, my goal here was to get a feel of the colors, the warmth and coolness of the light and shade, and impression rather than a recording.

14) Perspective&Light

Just messing around with perspective and light, really trying to push some interesting whitespace and tonal valuations here. Sideways because I wanted to get a fresh look at it - it was more frustrating to put together than it looks, I'm not yet used to drawing stuff out of my head. It's a bit of a different use of the brainmeats than just drawing what you see, and I'm still adapting to it.

15 ) PrayerStudy

Quick, large scale study of an old woman at prayer. Humans aren't easy to render, especially at the sort of low contrast light and head angle that's going on here, the ear gave me trouble. The hair was fun though. At an angle to make people look at in a different light, instead of just allowing the subconcious to click with it's automatic 'oh that's a person' feature.

16) PumpkinAndBag

It's a pumpkin! And some kind of... bag! Heh, the pumpkin was the easiest part, the bag the most fun. Tried to add some highlights with pastel, not sure if I'm going to try that again in cheap paper.

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